We are indebted to the International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies for our Resources. We will be adding to them over time.
To: Honorable Abhisit Vejjajiva, Prime Minister of Thailand
Sent in response to a report by the National News Bureau of Thailand stating that "30,000 drug users will be brought to rehabilitation camps".
To: President Yanukovych, Government of Ukraine
Sent to urge the Ukrainian Government to renew support for methadone maintenance and to continue to expand access to this vital medication.
To: The Editor, The Irish Independent Newspaper
Sent in response to Ian O'Doherty's writings calling for the sterilisation of people who use drugs.
Drug War Anniversary a Time for Reflection and Action
This article by Ethan Nadelmann, Executive Director of Drug Policy Alliance.
Coyuntura actual del Narcotráfico en Bolivia, oferta y demanda (Spanish)
Current Situation of Drug Trafficking in Bolivia, Supply and Demand This document is in Spanish, but an English summary is included at the end.
Guidance for the use of substitute prescribing in the treatment of opioid dependence in primary care
Opioid dependence is common in the UK and there are effective substitution medications, including methadone and buprenorphine, to support treatment. This guidance covers the use of substitute medication, which can be an important element in the treatment of opioid dependent patients and their medically assisted recovery (MAR).
UK Primary Care as a Model of Integrating Comprehensive Care and Treatment
SMMGP's presentation at the 21st IHRA International Harm Reduction Conference, Liverpool.
Women’s health in prison Action guidance and checklists to review current policies and practices
The checklists in this document are an important tool in ensuring greater safety and better quality medical care for women in prison, and are designed to assist a review of current policies and practices relating to women’s health in prisons.
The Death Penalty for Drug Offences - Global Overview 2011
Global Overview 2011 – Shared Responsibility and Shared Consequences’ is the fourth report on the death penalty for drug-related offences produced by Harm Reduction International. In addition to providing a survey of international developments related to capital drug laws around the world, it focuses on foreign nationals sentenced to death and/or executed for drug-related offences.
EMCDDA Mortality related to drug use in Europe
The publication focuses on mortality among drug users due to all causes, of which drug-induced deaths (overdoses) is only a component, albeit the one most well-documented.
Implementation of evidence-based substance use disorder
This publication highlights the problematic use of amphetamine-type stimulants (ATS)2 and how it has become a significant health and social problem in East and Southeast Asia, in particular the use of methamphetamine.
Universal Hepatitis B Virus Vaccination in French Prisons: Breaking Down the Last Barriers
Addiction letter to the editor on introducing HBV vaccination strategy to prisons to reduce further infections.
IDPC: Five Policy Principles
International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC) informs and assists policy makers and advocates as they approach the task of reforming laws addressing the HIV epidemic among people who use drugs.
HRI Universal Periodic Review of Indonesia at the Human Rights Council
The report focuses on the death penalty for drug offences, corporal punishment, drug treatment, injecting drug use, HIV/AIDS and the right to health.
Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch: Global Drugs Policy in 2010
Presentation Kasia Malinowska-Sempruch from Open Society Institute's (OSI) Global Drug Policy Program, at the Conference in Prague, 30th September 2010.
Medicines: access to controlled medicines (narcotic and psychotropic substances)
This helpful fact sheet from World Health Organization highlights the access to controlled medicines.
Abuse in the Name of Treatment - Drug Detention Centers in Asia
A film by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union on compulsory drug detention centers in Asia is available online.
Take Home Naloxone - The Right to Survive Overdoses
This is to call your attention to a new video by the Hungarian Civil Liberties Union which highlights Naloxone distribution, a cheap and effective way to prevent lethal drug overdoses.
Overview of "Tools for Debate: US Federal Government Data on Cannabis Prohibition"
The failure of U.S. marijuana prohibition and supports calls for evidence-based models to legalize and regulate the use of cannabis. It provides an overview of the ICSDP's report "Tools for Debate: US Federal Government Data on Cannabis Prohibition" which can be found on the ICSDP web site.
Harm Reduction International statement at the UN Human Rights Council - MDG 6 summit, Russia and harm reduction
This review is a civil society report on Indonesia submitted by Harm Reduction International, in partnership with LBH Masyarakat and Asian Harm Reduction Network.
Vienna Declaration - In 5 New Languages
The Vienna Declaration is now available in five more languages thanks to the European Drug Policy Initiative (EDPI).
Briefing Paper: Heroin Assisted Treatment - The State of Play
The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) estimates that there are presently between 15.5 and 21.1 million opiate users in the world, the majority of whom are heroin users. There has been a growing awareness of the importance of treatment for this population in recent decades, with Opiate Substitution Therapy (OST) prominent amongst the range of treatment modalities.
Legalising the Drugs Trade: Reducing Crime or Increasing Addiction?
This publication highlights the arguments contained in many of the books, reports and articles listed in this bibliography focus on the concept of harm.
The Pharmacological Rationale for Methadone Treatment of Narcotic Addiction
R.G. Newman presents the pharmacological principles which apply to narcotics in general, and to methadone in particular.
The Safer Crack Use Program
This strategy provides a comprehensive approach to alcohol and other drug use that includes prevention, harm reduction, treatment and enforcement responses.
From the Mountaintops - What the World Can Learn from Drug Policy Change in Switzerland
Open Society Foundation, examines how evidence-based services such as heroin treatment, injection rooms, and needle exchange can lower HIV infection rates, improve health outcomes, and lower crime rates.
Evidence for Action
This presentation highlights WHO's view on the importance of Harm Reduction, presented by Andrew Ball, Annette Verster, Department of HIV/AIDS at the Harm Reduction International conference in Liverpool, April 2010.
The Persistent Rejection of Maintenance Treatment - Why?
Robert Newman -presentation at the 9th EuroPAD International Conference, Zagreb.
Making Harm Reduction Work for Women - The Ukrainian Experience
International Harm Reduction Development Program - Open Society Institute Public Health Program, Assessment in Action Series
Dr Chris Ford Discusses the Founding of the IDHDP
Dr Chris Ford talks about her experiences as a primary care clinician working with people who use drugs, and about the inaugural meeting of the IDHDP.