D4DRP is offering curriculums on cannabis education from two outstanding organizations of cannabis clinicians. Each curriculum has been carefully vetted by our D4DPR Board and Experts.
We have arranged for discounts for select courses from each of the organizations to our dues-paying members. D4DPR receives an incentive payment from each organization.
Offering the first and only interactive education program in cannabis, cannabinoid medicine, and endocannabinology developed by cannabis clinicians. PIVITAL EDU students can expect a world-class education from global leaders in cannabis science and clinical care that will expand their knowledge about cannabis and the endocannabinoid system.
The SCC’s new Clinical Training Curriculum offers education missing from most health professional schools and clinical programs. The curriculum brings hands-on practical guidance on how to develop personalized treatment regimens and more. Continuing education courses enable clinicians to stay up-to-date on emerging topics to ensure patients are receiving the best possible treatment.