We are indebted to the International Doctors for Healthier Drug Policies for our Resources. We will be adding to them over time.
Women Who Inject Drugs - A Review of Their Risks, Experiences and Needs
This report highlights that women who inject drugs are substantially different needs and face higher risks of disease and violence than do men who inject drugs.
EHRN Position Paper on Drug Policy
Eurasian Harm Reduction Network (EHRN) is a regional network, representing over 300 individuals, civil society representatives, health care providers and researchers supporting the principles of harm reduction. With the goal to promote the drug policy reform that is based on public health principles, respectful of human rights and scientific evidence, EHRN has released the Drug Policy Position Paper, a set of key principles, endorsed by the Network, to guide EHRN and its members in their work.
Role of treatment for depressive symptoms in relieving the impact of fatigue in HIV–HCV co-infected patients: ANRS Co13 Hepavih, France, 2006–2008
Fatigue is a major component of quality of life (QOL) and is associated with depression in HIV–HCV co-infected individuals. This study investigated whether treating depressive symptoms (DS) could mitigate the impact of fatigue on daily functioning in co-infected patients, even those at an advanced stage of disease.
Why We Need a Network for Doctors
James Blogg and Chris Ford's presentation at the 21st IHRA International Harm Reduction Conference, Liverpool.
Management of psychiatric disorders and addictive behaviors in patients with viral hepatitis C in France
The aim of this study was to describe the current clinical practices for ambulatory management of psychiatric disorders and addictions, and the influence of a possible psychiatric and/or psychological collaboration
Harmful alcohol consumption and patterns of substance use in HIVinfected patients receiving antiretrovirals (ANRS-EN12-VESPA Study): relevance for clinical management and intervention
Alcohol abuse affects secondary prevention and disease progression in HIV-infected patients, and adherence and response to treatment in those chronically treated. The objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of harmful alcohol consumption (HAC) using various indicators and identify which groups of patients may require specific targeted interventions for HAC risk reduction.
The National Alliance of Advocates for Buprenorphine Treatment The Words We Use Matter. Reducing Stigma through Language
Many derogatory, stigmatizing terms were championed throughout the “War on Drugs” in an effort to dissuade people from misusing substances. Education took a backseat, mainly because little was known about the science of addiction
Where are the Doctors?
An editorial from 2009, written for the Connecticut State Medical Journa.
Harm reduction and equity of access to care for French prisoners: a review
Despite France being regarded as a model of efficient harm reduction policy and equity of access to care in the general community, the health of French inmates is a critical issue, as harm reduction measures are either inaccessible or only partially implemented in French prisons.
Beyond ‘peer pressure’: Rethinking drug use and ‘youth culture’
Hilary Pilkington et al. use the "original empirical research in Russia to develop an understanding of young people’s drug use that synthesises structural and cultural explanations of it. It does this by situating young people’s narratives of their drugs choices in the context of local drugs markets and broader socio-economic processes."
Guidance for the prevention, testing, treatment and management of hepatitis C in primary care
This guidance has been produced to aid medical practitioners and others in the management of hepatitis C infection in primary care. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) was first identified in 1989 and rapidly emerged as a significant world public health problem.
Legislating for Health and Human Rights: Model Law on Drug Use and HIV/AIDS
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network presents a model law resource designed to inform and assist policy-makers and advocates as they approach the task of reforming or making laws to meet the legal challenges posed by the HIV epidemic among people who use drugs.
The HIV epidemic among injecting drug users in Greece during the economic crisis
This Diogenis briefing paper addresses the increase of HIV among injecting drug users this issue in Greece drawing up a brief history of public health and human rights in the country.
Changing the game or dropping the ball?
This paper examines Mexico’s security and anti-crime strategy under president Enrique Peña Nieto.
No Fire, No Smoke: The Global State of Tobacco Harm Reduction 2018
The GSTHR report maps for the first time the global, regional and national availability and use of safer nicotine products, the regulatory responses to these products, and the public health potential of tobacco harm reduction.
Hepatitis C treatment factsheets
Useful factsheets about Hepatitis C treatment from
Women, drugs and HIV
A commentary exploring the HIV risks and vulnerabilities of women who use drugs, as well as the interventions that have been shown to reduce their susceptibility to HIV infection.