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Don't forget to turn the page and legalize marijuana

Don't forget to turn the page and legalize marijuana

David L. Nathan, MD, DLFAPA

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October 21, 2020

Article excerpt:

"Do you approve of amending the Constitution to legalize a controlled form of marijuana called ‘cannabis'? Only adults at least 21 years of age could use cannabis. The State commission created to oversee the State’s medical cannabis program would also oversee the new, personal use cannabis market. Cannabis products would be subject to the State sales tax. If authorized by the Legislature, a municipality may pass a local ordinance to charge a local tax on cannabis products."One man giving the question a resounding yes is Dr. David Nathan, who is the founder and Board President of Doctors for Cannabis Regulation, which according to his website is "the first national and international physicians’ organization dedicated to the legalization and regulation of marijuana." He came on my New Jersey 101.5 show Tuesday, Oct. 20 to talk about why he's in favor of legalization.

Read the article at New Jersey 101.5


About the Author

David L. Nathan, MD, DLFAPA

David L. Nathan, MD, DLFAPA

David L. Nathan, MD, DLFAPA is a psychiatrist, writer, and educator in Princeton NJ. He is the founder of Doctors for Cannabis Regulation (now Doctors for Drug Policy Reform) and served as our first President. Dr. Nathan is a Distinguished Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. While maintaining a full-time private practice, he serves as Director of Continuing Medical Education for the Princeton HealthCare System (PHCS) and Director of Professional Education at Princeton House Behavioral Health (PHBH). While serving on the steering committee of New Jersey United For Marijuana Reform (NJUMR.org), Dr. Nathan was surprised by the absence of any national organization to act as the voice of physicians who wish to guide our nation along a well-regulated path to cannabis legalization. This need was the inspiration for Doctors for Cannabis Regulation.